AIL would like to introduce you to a new method of geochemical exploration for hydrocarbons called SMIT (Super Mobile Ions
Technology), now commercially available in the AGCC. The technique was developed by Dr. Eriks Tabuns of St Petersburg State
University in Russia who has spent the last 39 years studying and developing geochemical exploration techniques.
- The basis of the technique is the recognition of Super Mobile Ions that percolate from oil / water contact zones. These allow rapid delineation of hydrocarbon reservoir “edges”.
- With over 150,000 samples analysed from 200+ hydrocarbon reservoirs in regions including:- Volga-Ural and Polar regions of
Northern Russia; The Caspian; Azov-Black Sea and Baltic Basins, the SMIT technique has been refined and developed to allow
RAPID hydrocarbon exploration.
- Typically, a crew can sample and analyse data from 20 locations per day, covering 4 Km² per day at a grid spacing of 500 m x
500 m.
Recent trials carried out during December 2008 in the Sultanate of Oman demonstrated SMIT’s similar success in arid zone
exploration as has been observed in the Russian oilfields.
Field Trials
- In late 2008, blind field trials were carried out using the SMIT technique over an area of 100 km² in the Sultanate of Oman.
- The trials consisted of 220 sample locations using a combination of soil and air samples which were collected over a 2 week
- Results from the blind trials were then compared by the Client to their existing reservoir models, created from seismic and
exploration drilling data.
- The results showed a very close correlation. See Image.
- Short mobilization time
- Rapid exploration (4 km2/day @ 500x500 grid)
- Quickly shows areas of potential and reservoir extents
- Non invasive (any area can be surveyed)